Bikya Masr misleads about coverage of Dresden murder
First draft. I read this story at Bikya Masr, checked German newspapars, and found that the claim that the West was silent about Sherbini's murder was totally bogus. Here is the comment I left at that site. It awaits moderation. If I have time, I will expand on this topic later.
You are just plain wrong about this story not being reported in the German media.
- Angeklagter ersticht Zeugin im Gerichtssaal (
- Haftbefehl wegen Mordes erlassen (
- Bluttat im Gerichtssaal (Süddeutsche)
- Haftbefehl wegen Mordes (Süddeutsche)
- "Wir wollen Vergeltung" (Süddeutsche)
- Polizei ermittelt wegen heimtückischen Mordes (Die Welt)
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- Tote aus Dresden in Ägypten als Märtyrerin verehrt (Die Welt)
- Islamisten fordern Vergeltung für Dresdner Mord (Die Welt)
I'd like to read your comments on the threats of retribution by Islamicists.
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